Tips to Flies:

Pattern: Midge emerger

Pattern:  Red Quill emerger, 

Pattern:  Green drake Emerger 

Pattern:  New wing Material, BWO

Pattern:  Ausable Wulff, 

Pattern: Beadhead Caddis Emerger 3/15/21 

Pattern: Snowshoe Sulpher emerger:           

Pattern: Tan Caddis emerger Pattern:   



Photo right, Beaverkill March brown




Snowshoe Sulpher emerger:  All I can say it's buoyant!  It floats like a cork, holds up better than CDC.  You can tie this pattern to match your hatch. 

Hook:  14-18 dry
Thread:  Yellow to cream 8/0
Shuck:  Brown Z-lon
Dubbing:  Pale yellow superfine
Wing:  Cream snowshoe

Bead head Caddis nymph:

When the Caddis are hatching adult patterns are sometimes worthless, try swinging a soft hackle under the surface where you might be more successful.

Hook: SE3 #12-16
Bead:  Gold
Tail: Pheasant
Rib: Silver wire
Under body: Olive Ice dub
Over body: Rest of Pheasant tail
Wing: Partridge
Thorax: Olive Ice dub
Red Quill Emerger:
Hook:  DF1 #14
Thread: 8/0 Red
Tail/shuck:  Brown Z-lon/Wood duck
Body:    Mahogany Turkey biot
Thorax: Reddish brown
Wing:  Med Dunn CDC
Green Drake Emerger:
Hook:  Hook NH-7 10-8
Thread: 8/0 Pale yellow
Tail/Shuck: Moose/Ginger Z-lon
Body:  Pale yellow SuperFine
Wing:  Olive Deer hair
Guides Friendly Wing Material:
 Last season at the Edison Flyfishing show, I saw a young tyer tying quick and easy flies.  It was the wing material that caught my eye.  up/dn trout, wings for insects.  As a guide I want quick during the season, seeing this synthetic wing material and how it was used I thought what the heck buy a bag.  I am so pleased I did, it makes Great compara dun wings!  It floats great and is durable.  I can see it on the water no matter the light conditions.  For small flies #18 and down I can cut the material in half for size.  I really like it for blue wing olives!  CDC is great but you need to powder it during use at times, Deer hair is buoyant but eventually you start losing hair, this synthetic material just last.  So if you visit the show this year grab a bag, try it I think you will be surprised.  Bottom photo's showing the material, if you like darker wings use a marker to the color you desire.
 Ausable Wulff, a Fran Betters Fly
-Ausable Wulff,  One of my favorite attractor patterns.  I will fish it alone or as a tandem rig as my indicator fly.  Fran Betters gets the Credit for the Ausable Wulff "Adirondack Wulff" and I am sure millions of Anglers have caught fish on it!  But It was Lee Wulff who designed the Wulff patterns in the 1930's. So here shown is Fran's fly.

Hook: 14- 12 dry fly
Thread: 8/0 Orange
Tail:  Wood chuck or Barred deer- hair
Wing:  White Calf tail
Body:  Australian possum or  Rusty Orange hares ear.
Hackle:  Brown and Grizzly, one being one size bigger than the other.  

Midges, The smallest of flies, the "no-see-ums" is a very important food to the trout when there is no food and when a midge hatch is prolific.  In the Catskill the East branch of the Delaware is a very good Midge river, this time of the year and over the winter.  I like the Zebra midge for sub-surface fishing using a dropper method I will use a black Zebra midge #20 or smaller off an Iso or a attractor fly.  But fishing it as a dry I like the pattern shown.  It's a emerger and it works!  It works on the willowemoc, Beaverkill, the East branch of the Delaware and the Farmington River.  I like the colors of Black, Olive and Cream.
 A simple tie:  The midge emerger,

Hook: LT, scud, 20-26
Thread:  12/0  color of your choice
Shuck:  Amber
Thorax:  Peacock herl
Hackle:  Grizzly
Body:  Thread, slightly tapered

Tan Caddis Emerger:
I finally found a Tan Caddis emerger that works very well on the West Branch of the Delaware.  Through some time and testing I came up with this pattern.  It also works very well everywhere else.  I basically no longer use a adult pattern, or a Caddis X when the hatch is on.  I like this pattern for it offers a different look, plus with legs, shuck, bubble, and the CDC thorax there is a lot of realism and motion to fool the most educated trout. I like the bleached young elk hair as my indicator, which in turn can represent the wing. This is very similar to my Apple caddis.
Hook: #16 light scud or emerger
Thread: Tan 8/0 uni
Shuck:  Sparkle emerger yarn Amber
Body:  tan caddis fine dubbing
Bubble: White or Tan Zelon, note, I tye in the bubble leaving excess of about an inch over the eye of the hook, before placing the elk in as a wing . I split the excess bubble and bring them along the sides of the body, as if the bubble is coming off and or gives some sort of impression of wings. 
Wing: bleached yearling elk
Legs: Partridge
Thorax:  Trouthunter- CDC dubbing light brown.

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