Guiding Services:
Full Day: One or Two Anglers $395
Half Days: One or Two Anglers $295
Prices do not include: License, Leaders & flies.
Box lunches are included in Full Day Fishing
Half Day Fishing includes beverages
Note: To guarantee my service for a specific date contact Trout Town Flies at I am now own Trout Town flies, "formerly Catskill Flies.
Fly-fishing Lessons:
Full Day, $350 per person, includes bag lunch. Limited to two Anglers.
Half Day, $200 per person, includes Beverage. Limited to two Anglers.
I can arrange Float trips provided through the fly-shop Trout Town Flies,
Full day Float trip $450.00 for one or two anglers.
Shop Phone #607-290-4107
I am also a Licensed "Insured" Guide.
Fly Tying Lessons:
By Appointment and during the Winter: $50 per lessons.
Prices in effect, 1/6/19